Freedom To Rise Above Your Old Conditioning

This Freedom & Rising Above Old Conditioning Guided Meditation is Part 2 of 12 of the ‘I Am The Author Of My Life’ Expanding Awareness through Mindfulness Meditations to be released over the coming months, tailored to the needs of our Community.

Part 2 is focussed on cultivating new awareness, so that we may gain control of our physical brain.This Meditation is for people of all levels. I invite you on a journey to let go of old patterns, behaviours, stale emotions and reignite your passion for life, taking control back, becoming the Author of your life. Our Mind, Body Connection is central to how we live life fully, to our general health and our wellbeing. This Meditation is focussed upon aiding you to expand your awareness, so you may make better choices and lead a more fulfilling life. I have also added my own music and photography to this one.

I hope you enjoy…

Mantra ~ I Rise Above The Old and Welcome In The New.

Emotional Healing ~ The Power Of Our Perceptions

Welcome to part 3 of 12 in the ‘I am the author of my life’ Mindfulness Meditation Series this time, connecting to the ‘healing power of our perceptions’.

Knowing that we can heal the old pain in our hearts gives us hope that we can realistically create deep, loving relationships, with ourselves snd others. In our 10 Minute Guided Meditation today, we learn that the next step toward healing is to consciously give ourselves permission to heal.   This means opening up and connecting to our inner love and kindness. As we open and expand into our true being, we are accepting and permitting genuine healing to occur. From this core emotional healing, we find it easy and enjoyable to connect with others. We may choose in each moment to create the next part of our lives, in a loving deeper and more meaningful way. We are so sensitive to meaning. Someone can say a single word and it can be interpreted as loving or hostile, selfish or caring, empathic or indifferent.

Let us journey into these next 10 minutes together for creating the reality you deeply desire.

Mantra ~ ‘I am now creating the version of myself I wish to be’

Let Go ~ Allow Creativity To Flow

This Let Go – Allow Creativity to Flow Meditation is 1 of 12 of the ‘I Am The Author Of My Life’ Expanding Awareness through Mindfulness Meditations to be released over the coming months, tailored to the needs of our Community.

This Let Go – Allow Creativity to Flow Meditation is 1 of 12 of the ‘I Am The Author Of My Life’ Expanding Awareness through Mindfulness Meditations to be released over the coming months, tailored to the needs of our Community. This Meditation is for people of all levels. I invite you on a journey to let go of old patterns, behaviours, stale emotions and reignite your passion for life, taking control back, becoming the Author of your life. Our Mind, Body Connection is central to how we live life fully, to our general health and our wellbeing. This Meditation is focussed upon aiding you to expand your awareness, so you may make better choices and lead a more fulfilling life. I have also added my own music and photography to this one.

I hope you enjoy..

Mantra ~ My Expanding Awareness overcomes all obstacles and I embrace my creative flow..